The idea of VTubers has been around for a long time. In The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, by Robert Heinlein (1966) a computer called Mike presents a virtual voice and image of themselves presenting as Adam Selene.
MikuMikuDance – “Virtual Insanity\"
Taking cues from the online gaming world Vroid are also building out an assets store and creator ecosystem where you can buy and sell items for Avatars. Indeed they have already partnered with both Levis and Chloma to create virtual collections/ranges.
Skills that are currently found in the commercial world and well remunerated. I have several friends that make their living modelling/ rigging/ animating consumer products in Unity as its easier to whip up adverts in a virtual environment than take new product photos all the time for the endless content mills of social media.
Iron Vertex provide tutorials, training programs and apprenticeships to people wanting to learn how to do the work. Though which they gain access the specialist knowledge (hard won no doubt) required to rig a Live2D virtual puppet. They also involved in setting industry standards around what to expect for various levels of work/rigging for Live2D avatars. Compare a Tier 1 Avatar to Tier 5 Avatar. Note: the Nero Bride character uses all the same tech as a Vuber but was created for a visual / interactive novel video game.
As we move in to the Metaverse and virtual environments become more commen place. Either in a game world or just behind a VTuber on a livestream. I think LARPing *to an audience* will also become a popular form of entertainment. 2ff7e9595c